Hola Todas las Personas!!! :)
Oh my goodness it has been such a great week. Very trying but great!! We had so many great speakers at our deviotionals. It was amazing!! We had Sheri Dew speak with us and a few things that stuck out to me were:
3 Ways the Adversary Confuses Us: and if he can confuse us in any of these three ways then he has us.
- Confuse us about Who the Savior is
- Confuse us about who we are
- Confuse us about how the Lord communicates with us
If he can confuse us in any of these three ways he has us. We need to remember if we are struggling we need to look and see if it is because of any of these reasons. Also she said Savior is not only the answer, but he is Our ONLY Chance. Christ is our only chance. We need to depend on him constantly because he is the only way to get back to our Father in Heaven.
We also listened to a talk by Elder David A. Bednar about the character of Christ which was just brilliant. You should all look up that talk. One thing that stuck out to me was he said, "If you are truly converted unto the Lord you will never fall away from His gospel. And I thought that was really cool! If we truly are converted unto the Lord and not certain things in the church then we will never fall away. I just love that.
And then another talk was from Michael T. Ringwood. And he was incredible. It was about enduring to the end. This week has been hard. I have really missed my family and I was really questioning why I was even here. Did I really choose to do this? I just wanted to give up soooo bad and just go home. And then he was talking about enduring to the end. And one line that he said hit me so hard, "When you think you can't endure any longer; think and picture your family kneeling and praying for you by name. I then pictured that and I was thinking what in the world am I doing? Thinking of quitting is ridiculous. And then I pictured my baby sister Bella, and if she were here what kind of example would I be setting for that little angel. Would I really want to teach her to give up and quit when things get hard? Absolutely not! It gave me so much strength to just keep going. Also another thing he said was, "More happiness awaits you then you have ever experienced." And that made me think of the scripture in the Book of Mormon that says you will receive no witness/reward until after the trial of your faith. I realized I need to just keep going because there will be a reward at the end. Also another talk was given here By Bishop Gerald Causse from the Presiding Bishopric. And he said, "Have so much faith that the veil gets so thin it becomes knowledge." Isn't that incredible? We need to have so much faith that it becomes knowledge that things will happen. I now know that I am here for a reason. I am here to serve the Lord and "God will never forget your labor of love for him." I know with all of my heart that this is the true gospel on the earth today. The book of Mormon is the Word of God and Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God. He translated the Book of Mormon and saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know this with all of my heart. I am here to fulfill the promises I made in heaven with the people I am going to bring the gospel to and bring them unto Christ. I am so glad I chose to come and serve the Lord for 18 months. It is the best decision I have ever made in my life and I am so grateful to be here.
Ok so here is a funny but gross story for you. So we were playing this game in class to be able to learn spanish better. And of course the Elders say if you don't get the word right or you don't conjugate a word right then you have to eat a Peep. Ya know those really nasty marshmallows with sugar on them. EWWWW GROSS!! Well of course thats what happened. I hadn't yet ate a peep cause I was just killing it. I was getting everything right. And then the worst minute of my life happened. I conjugated the simplest word wrong and the Elders freaked cause they thought it would be the best if Hermana Daines ate one because I have the best reactions. You all know I am a little theatrical. ha ha well of course they gave me a peep and were video taping me attempting to eat it. It was so nasty. I was gagging. I felt so sick afterwards. And then I got another word wrong and everyone was like ooohhhhh now you have to eat another one and I honestly could not even think of doing it again so my district leader Elder Warren says, " I volunteer as tribute to eat Hermana Daines' peep." It was so awesome. I am honestly so grateful for it cause I would not be able to eat another one at all.
Well Everyone I only have a week and half left of the MTC!!!! I cannot wait. I am ohhhhh sooooo excited to get to Florida. We get our travel plans tonight so I will be emailing next week with when exactly I leave and times and all. I will be getting a calling card here from the MTC so when I get to the airport FAMILY I can call you. Hopefully it will be when people are awake. But if not thats ok too!!
Oh my goodness!! So last week I realized that it was going to be my Golden Birthday this year. What an awesome birthday to be serving the Lord. Im going to be 20 on the 20th. I was actually talking to an investigator and she asked me when I was turning 20 and I told her and I realized then that it was going to be my golden birthday and I was like freaking out I was so excited!! Such an awesome thing!!! YAY, LOVE IT!!!!
Well I love you all so much and hope you have such an awesome week!! You guys are all so amazing!!! I love you and thank you for all your support, love, and prayers!!!
All My Love, Hermana Marisa Daines
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